With so many recipes and possibilities out there, how do we to get started? And better yet, where do we even start? From breakfast to snack and dinners ideas, there are some easy principals to keep in mind when designing a weight loss meal.

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) plant-based plate is an easy place to start visually when designing meals if we like to cook and are confident enough to jump right in. Make half of the plate heaping with non-starchy vegetables and then divide the second half into fiber-rich protein sources and whole grains. We can find a dressing, dip or topping to season it to our needs.
If we're following a recipe, then we can find ways to simply add more vegetables (as this dilutes the calorie density). Soups are typically the easiest options to add veggies (I love adding riced cauliflower to chili) . We can also add a large portion of veggies to the side of a dish that we typically eat. My ultimate go to are veggie bowls -- recipe ideas coming soon!
What are Veggie Bowls? They're recipes where we take healthy whole plant foods in the right ratios to create an arsenal of meal possibilities to meet our needs. More on that in the coming days!

So, where do I recommend that we start? Generally, smaller changes made more frequently lead to lasting habits. That's why I break down the dietary pattern into small, measurable and achievable goals that we can build on along the way.
For most of us, the easiest place to start is with a non-starchy veggie goal. We don't change what we are generally eating, instead we crowd out some of the higher calorie foods by meeting the recommended daily non-starchy vegetable intake. We document this process so that we have data to measure our consistency and once we're on a roll and this feels too easy, we add the next step. Implementing changes this way allows for more creativity during the process. It also allows for culinary and dietary growth at our own pace. There's no need to be perfect, no recipes with expensive ingredients (unless we want that), and we allow ourselves to develop skills that will become lifelong habits.

For example, maybe we're not sure how to cook our veggies or how to best season them. Maybe we need to explore sauces or dressings to spice them up. Great! This process is all about learning what works for us and our lives. I personally love making my own dressing with balsamic, fresh strawberries and a squeeze of lemon, blended together in the food processor and topped over my hearty summer salads. On days when I don't have time or don't feel like putting in the effort, I keep store bought pesto (with olive oil and without cheese) to put on my frozen veg (yes, I eat it cooked, I'm not a monster). While it would be easy to say that there's a one-size-fits-all menu, there's not.
If you're looking to dip your toes into a plant predominant dietary pattern to improve your health, your families health or just looking to lose weight, then you've come to the right place. Lifestyle Medicine Maine only offers therapeutic lifestyle change coaching and lab monitoring so that we can ensure that you're moving in the right direction. Work 1:1 with a provider who listens and is responsive to your needs. Schedule your FREE new patient consult today and let's get started.
Need recipes right away? Here are some great places to get started:
- The EAT LANCET Recipes
- The Food Literacy Center offers great budget friendly simple ingredient options that are not plant exclusive. Find them here.
- Forks over knives online recipe database.
- Nutritionfacts.org recipes from Dr. Gregor
- The Food as Medicine Jumpstart from the ACLM offers curated recipes
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